
Women's Health and Education Center (WHEC)

Advisory Council - Jim Phillips

Dr. James F. Phillips
Senior Lecturer
Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health,
Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
60 Haven Avenue, B-317
New York, NY 10032

email - jfp2113@columbia.edu

James F. Phillips is a senior associate in the Population Council's Policy Research Division. He previously worked in the Population Council's International Programs Division in Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Thailand. Prior to his work with the Population Council, Phillips held positions in Nigeria with the International Committee of the Red Cross and UNICEF.

Dr. Phillips conducts field experiments that measure the demographic role of family planning and child survival programs. He directed Bangladesh's Matlab Community Health and Family Planning Project which demonstrated the demographic potential of family planning services in that country. The Matlab service model became the basis for national health reform in the 1980s and 1990s.

Dr. Phillips is currently working on a collaborative research program with the Ghana Health Service and the Navrongo Health Research Centre. When the Navrongo Experiment established the feasibility of reducing fertility and mortality with community-based health and family planning services in 1999, a national scaling-up initiative, known as the Community-based Health Planning and Services initiative, was launched to extend the Navrongo service model to all 110 Ghanaian districts. Phillips serves as the senior advisor to the Ghana Health Service for this program, where he collaborates on research designed to guide, refine, and evaluate the scaling-up effort.

Dr. Phillips is currently collaborating with his Ghanaian colleagues on a program of exchange that will extend health service innovations from Ghana to Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, and Ethiopia. In 2005, Dr. Phillips launched a new collaborative venture with the Vietnam Ministry of Health that aims to apply evidence-based planning methods to health reform in that country.

Dr. Phillips is a member of several international science advisory boards and has launched scientific research networks on issues related to health sector reform, reproductive health, and demographic research methodology. He holds an M.S. degree in population studies from the University of Hawaii, and a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Michigan. Phillips has published books on the evaluation of family planning programs, the demography of South Asia, and population policy in Bangladesh. He has journal publications on the demography of Asia and Africa, health policy, computer science, and other topics.

Women's Health & Education Center
Dedicated to Women's and Children's Well-being and Health Care Worldwide